Tuesday, December 9, 2014


I just realized that my last few posts have been really bitchy and clearly I've been in a bad mood. Oops. I'm not even pmsing so I don't have an excuse for my pissy attitude. I'm sitting here just borderline boiling mad and it's to the point where I now have a massive headache.

I'm done. I'm turning my mood around now.

Plus, a coworker just gave me a soda and told me how pale I look. Pale is the new tan, y'all. Honestly, I think I just need to sleep for 5 days straight and I'll be golden. I'm officially too old to YOLO like I did this past weekend. Too much booze, not enough sleep. I'm basically a grandma now. Eventually I'll get around to posting about how fabulous my birthday weekend was. But for now, just know that it was literally the best birthday I've ever had. K, I'm busy at work so byeeeeeeee.

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