Saturday, January 3, 2015


Hello my lovelies! So so sooo sorry for the neglect lately! Life has been a whirlwind of nonstop activity!

Let's start with Christmas eve.
We (me, my mom and dad) spent the night at my grandma's and opened presents that night. It was quite lovely. My grandmother was so very happy, which makes me so very happy :)
Actual Christmas day was nuckin futs. I went home and worked on my mom's gift, a badass scrapbook, then wrapped presents for my 2nd family (Jordans family) and for my goddaughter. I went and spent some time with my 2nd family then went home and helped my mom with stuff and then we did our little family Christmas and "opened" presents. Literally, nothing was wrapped lol we basically just handed each other crap and said merry Christmas. It was beyond perfect for me and my grinch heart. After that I went to see my best friend and my goddaughter and ended up having a super fun Christmas night! My sweet baby goddaughter is so fucking cute it's unbelievable.

I'm not gonna lie. As I'm sitting here typing this blog post on my phone, I legit can't remember what my life was between Dec 26th and Dec 31st. Idk I was probably asleep a lot? Who knows. I've been sickly and dying so my brain is basically mush. Anyways, new years eve was fun! I was gonna just chillax and do nothing by myself but my BFF ended up coming over and we got drunk, lit some fireworks, and watched Selena. It was a spectacular new years eve celebration!

So I guess that's about it. I'm too out of it at the moment to create more sentences. Bye.


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