Well, it appears that I have neglected my beautiful blog and for that I apologize. LOL JK sorry not sorry. Anyhoo. So, Thanksgiving was last week. It was nice, minus the fact that there is a rude person in my family who clearly doesn't give a flying fuck about anyone else's feelings beside their own. UGH. Yea. Other than that, Thanksgiving was quite lovely. The food was fantastic. The beer was ice cold. The weather was lovely. And I also took a trip down memory lane by visiting the house I grew up in. So many strangely wonderful memories. Good times, man. Good times.
And now, today is December 2nd. It is also Tuesday. The start of my birthday week/month. -_- I'm turning 25 on Thursday and I'm kind of bummed. I don't like odd number years, they're always difficult years for me. But luckily for me, I have some super awesome people in my life. I'm not even gonna worry about it.
Ok, here are some important life updates since my last blog post:
Firstly, you must know that I have zero intention of proofreading this post. So if there is a typo or mistake, you can build yourself a bridge and get the fuck over it :D
I started training yesterday to sort and deliver the mail. It's pretty easy, but some parts of it are a bit confusing. After a week or so I'll probably get the hang of it.
Two of my pups got fixed last week. Ginger got her tubes tied and Barchimedes lost his manhood. I feel bad for the lil guy, he worked so hard on growing his lil balls and we just let them get chopped off. And poor Ginger, she had some minor difficulties during the surgery. Her breathing slowed down too much so they had to stitch her up real fast. We had to keep her confined for days. That dog is cray cray though and loves to jump around like a psycho. So that was fun trying to get her back in the kennel. But they're doing good now. You can't even tell they had major surgery a week ago! Hashtag BALLIN.
My PMS was fucking crazy. Like, fucking mental breakdown, crying for no fucking reason, eating all the food, and trying to sleep for 37 hours straight. That's all I have to say about that.
Last night me & my dad made some fucking tasty chili. Y'all. It's so good. I just wanna eat 12 gallons of it in one sitting. There were no eggs in the fridge, so no cornbread. We subbed white rice instead, which is what I'm eating for lunch in less than an hour. Hurray!!
Remember that one blog post a while back, when I asked for good vibes and prayers and shit but wasn't ready to spill why? Well, I've been job hunting. Looking for a better paying job, preferably a state job. I was thinking I could find a way to pinch all 7 pennies I have and get my own apartment, but unfortunately that's not an option at this point in my life. Hashtag sad day. But I think I'm might rethink the whole "finding a new job" thing. My boss is leaving the company, which means I could 1. get a promotion 2. get a raise and/or 3. get a new office (lol jk, I'm still the best receptionist ever). But I'm for sure having more responsibility around the office. The new boss has already got me training for the mail delivery, and we discussed me possibly being in charge of ordering office supplies. Like, woah. I'm kind of a pro at organization, so OBVI the first thing I'm going to do is reorganize the supply room, duh. I'm just really hoping for a pay raise though... So send me those good vibes, y'all!! And for the new job stuff, too. I've got some good prospects. Like, 4 or maybe 5 of my applications for city jobs have been sent the hiring manager in those specific departments. Keeping my fingers, toes, and eyes crossed!!
Oh, yea!! I know I already said it, but my birthday is on Thursday (day after tomorrow). Here are my awesome plans: Dinner at 54th street grill because I've literally been craving it for MONTHS. Bar hopping near Jordan's apartment (Boneheads, Wurzbach Ice House, 4th Quarter). Then the after party is going to be at Jordan's/TJ's. TJ has a wii and those are fun to play when you're drunk. And I plan on being pretty effin drunk.
I think that's all I have for now. I guess I'll leave you with this:
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