Friday, November 14, 2014

Welcome to my random life.

First off, it's Friday. That's always awesome. I just have to make it to 5 pm and I'm good to go, then it's weekend mode!!
I just wanna say one thing, the past is the past. You can't change it. People from your past, they should stay there. Backtracking isn't something I do. Okay. Now that's out of the way, we can get down to business.
My life.
It is so random, & I love it.
All these mofo's hitting me up, like bitch you thirsty. Get it together.
When I get home from work, I have a puppy poo explosions to clean up *joy*
I'm probably going to take a nap when I get home, even though I slept great last night.
Craving bean & cheese tacos right now. Bad.
What does "on fleek" mean? Kids these days...
My best friend's birthday is tomorrow. Bring on the booze!
I'm having a lot of feels today. Idk why, but I'm kind of (borderline) overemotional for some reason. Maybe my PMS is early? Gosh I fucking hope not. I can't even..
I'm 110% sure I was a bear in a past life. I am forever sleepy during the cold months. It's almost as if I am subconsciously reliving my bear life, and I'm in hibernation mode.. Logic. Makes perfect sense.

I went au nauturale today at work (aka no makeup) and someone asked me if there was something wrong with my eyes because they looked like I had been rubbing them... Turns out, it was just the insanely puffy bags under my eyes. *Note to self: always wear makeup all the time forever and ever, literally never NOT wear makeup*
Have you ever just sat there and though "Hmmm, I wonder what Jennifer Aniston (or any other famous person) is doing right this very second..."? Because I have those thoughts a lot.
My most favoritest part of today is the realization, no better than that, the epiphany that I just had. I will be hunger PMSing on Thanksgiving. This is the best news ever because I can stuff my fat face with all the foods ever and no one can judge me because I'll a hungry hormonal mess. I just had a visual of me crying into a large bowl of mashed potatoes and gravy.... Hilarious.
I just legit smacked myself in the face. Like, open palm to front of face. Wow. I have reached a new low. At least I didn't give myself another blackeye......
This is my life and it is random. BYE.

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