Thursday, November 13, 2014

Oh, one more thing...

People are driving me absolutely crazy with all this "freaking out" over the cold weather. Plz shut up. I know it's chilly outside, I have skin and my skin has feelers. I can feel the air. It's chilly, we get it, now chill out (pun intended). Like, I understand that most people in south Texas don't get cold weather for very long, but that doesn't mean you have to carry on like a buffoon, ranting and raving about having to wrap your pipes, and  how you wanna make soup, and how chili would be perfect, or how you need to wear 5 billion layers and a goofy hat. It's 40 degrees, not -40. Let's be real now.
It was literally -20something degrees this morning in Denver. It was literally 19 degrees this morning, and hasn't even gotten close to 30 degrees in Lubbock. That is actual cold weather. It's 43 degrees outside right now. I'm not saying I'm not cold, because I am. I know how to not lose my shit over cold weather. The only exception would be if it was 70-80degrees one day and snowing the next. That has actually happened to me before in bipolar Lubbock. I did lose my shit temporarily, but only because I was in a bikini by the pool one day and in layers the next. That shit cray. Having a conniption because it's 40 degrees in November? Not cray. It's November. No-freaking-vember. I'm gonna let y'all in on a little secret: it's supposed to be cold in November. You're welcome.

So, let's review:


Everywhere else

This Public Service Announcement has been brought to you by the Department of Using Your Brain and Acting Like a Normal Fucking Human Being.

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