Here's the thing... I don't get mad or angry a lot anymore and it takes a LOT to piss me off (except when I'm driving #roadrage). But there is one thing that can set me off quicker than a firecracker on the 4th of July: when people make assumptions about my intelligence.
I've had people treat me like I'm stupid and talk down to me more times than I can remember. And they do it based off of the most absurd reasons. Like, ok yea I dropped out of college. BFD. There are a lot of successful people who didn't get a college degree. How does dropping out even measure intelligence?? It doesn't. The fact that I even made it to college should be enough to show that I don't have rocks for brains. And, for the record, I only applied to one school, the only school I even considered, and I got in. So suck on that. People should stop being such judgmental douchebags. So, I'm young, and I'm fairly attractive. Apparently that means I'm automatically labeled as a dumb girl. Well, I am not a dumb girl. I can't stand it when grown ass adults talk down to me because I'm younger than they are. Uhm.. Last time I checked, age does not measure intelligence either. There are definitely some child geniuses out there. Because I'm not terribly unattractive, and somewhat easy on the average eye, people tend to label me as dumb. Because of my facial features. Like, what? Seriously? That is just the most ridiculous thing I've ever experienced in my almost 25 years of life. Absolutely ridiculous.
I just really needed to get that off my chest. Rant. Over.
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