Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Sticking with the twitter love....

I went thru some of my favorited tweets, because bored,  and I found my top 5 from the past week or two. So without further ado, here are my top 5 favorited tweets from the last week or two and a description of why I like them....:


I enjoy this tweet because of my fascination with pizza and attractive members of the opposite sex
also, I enjoy the totally positive vibe this tweet is sending out. Like, cute boys and pizza. Win-win.
You go sassy girl, you go.


First things first, Augustus Waters. <33333 Next, people who take too long to text back or just straight up don't text back at all bother me so much. like, I took the time out of my day to send you a heartfelt message, or maybe I told you that you have a nice butt. It doesn't matter what I said, the point is I spent my time telling you something probably nice and you don't respond? but Augustus Waters was like, dying, and he offered to write Hazel Grace a SEQUEL. Not just a text message, but a whole other book. 
I love him, and I hate bad texters. The end.


This is my friend shay and she is beautiful and wise. Which is one reason why I favorited this tweet. but I also agree 110% with what she has so eloquently suggested.
When WWIII is going on in my uterus, I can assure you that a coupon for ice cream wont cure it. But it can definitely ease the awkward uterine tension. Just sayin.


It is so weird how accurate this tweet was/is to me. Like, wooaah if I'm having a bad day and BOOM, text from a person, my day is suddenly all better! 


This heartfelt tweet is from one of my very good friends. I was having a very horrible day and had trouble staying positive about things and I get this reply from Randy. Like, wow. You know what a good friend that is? That is a really good friend. I know its silly, its just a string of words in a sentence form, but that string of words in sentence form completely turned my day around. 

There you have it folks. Tweets and stuff. Cool. 
the end.

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